TRANSITus Nova Magnificat
LAByrinth Series and Soundscape

A Path to the New Story

TRANSITus Nova Magnificat Music


TRANSITus Dance LAByrinth™      

Beeing the LAByrinth™  

  SunStar LAByrinth™

These limited-edition labyrinths symbolize the TRANSITus LABwork™ that will help guide humankind to Thomas Berry’s New Story.  “Symbols not only enabled humans to accumulate knowledge through millennia, says Brian Swimme, they also offered a final and explosive possibility for human emergence. Symbols enabled humans to concentrate their consciousness upon consciousness.”

The Cenozoic [Era] has been the period of the expansion of life in the full brilliance of its expression, but this expansion of the life systems of Earth is being terminated. This will affect all our human institutions and professions ... They must now undergo a transformation if they are to be integral with the new period in the historical evolution of the planet. The transformation required is a transformation from an anthropocentric norm of reality and value to a biocentric or geocentric norm. This will affect every aspect of our human thought and action. It will affect language, religion, morality, economics, education, science, technology, and medicine.

Thomas Berry– Earth as Sacred Community Brian Swimme – Cosmogenesis

What’s in a name?William Shakespeare

In the thirteenth century, around the time Chartres Cathedral’s labyrinth was installed, the word transitus referred to the soul’s passage at the hour of death.  Similarly, at the other end of the spectrum, transition refers to the end stage of birth that is physically and psychospiritually demanding for both mother and child.  The encircled laser-thin slit in the walls of the labyrinth [link to downloadable poster] [ In this short video ]represents the inward, self-reflective, consciousness that will help humanity transition to the New Story.

CHARTres 4 PEACE Contemplative LAByrinth prActivism™

More than art, all of my labyrinths are visual metaphors for the embodied behaviors of embryogenesis and birth – the Origin Story we all share. These indigenous wisdom behaviors are lifelong and can be adapted to help adults transition from old ways of being to what Thomas Berry calls the New Story.

CHARTres 4 PEACE Contemplative LAByrinth prActivism™ & BIRTH PSYCHOLOGY EDUCATION

TRANSITus LABwork™ brings to mind an ancient learning technique called Ductus et Memoria (movement and memory). Moving through any of my labyrinths can help us remember the sequence of developmental thresholds crossed very early in life; before we even had a functioning brain. Doing this kind of Birth-Psychology-informed LABwork™ may niggle at unthought, but known, early life narratives that have never been given voice.  Going slowly through such labyrinth work is important. Both explicit and implicit memories of the prenatal and perinatal period, given voice and honoring, can help us avoid tripping on something behind us.  Healing old stories in this way can help clear the mind and heart of an activist – no matter what they are passionate about.

Sheila’s Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology Educator’s, Prenatal Theseus and the TRANSITus LAByrinth™ recording was presented at the 2023 Mythologium Conference.  It is a retelling of the Theseus and the Minotaur Myth from a womblife perspective.


Premiered May 5th, 2023 in Cleveland, Ohio at a Pre World Labyrinth Event for World Labyrinth Weekend.

Susan Alexjander’s call and response inspired soundscape, Transitus Nova Magnificat, originated as a collaboration, modeled and guided by Sheila Spremulli’s eco-spiritual insights. The music flows (at a comfortable walking pace) through five distinct stages designed to reflect the body’s way of taking shape during embryogenesis.

It opens with an introduction and then invites you to listen, as if in a womb, while you cross sound thresholds meant to evoke conception, implantation of the egg, the forming of the heart, and final arrival into full embodiment, or birth; before resting in the arms of the Nova Magnificat – the possibility of a new Earth story.  We hear natural sounds such as water or air, but also the sounds of turbulence, still points and silences, and spin.  These are basic processes found in nature…the way things flow and transform… as our consciousness responds to them.  Some sounds are designed to be mysterious in order to reach subtler levels of perception.  The body/heart/mind is encouraged to feel stimulated but soothed and comforted at the same time.

Inspired by Sheila’s Birth Psychology-informed Prenatal Theseus and the TRANSITus LAByrinth video and TRANSITus LABwork?

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Free Download – MP3 (63 MB) or WAV (214.5 MB) | Length 20 min

Inspired by Susan’s music? Susan asks that if you use her music for an event, to please share that with her

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